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World Cities Summit 2020
Identity and Promotional Materials

Experia Events /
Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore 

(Pitch Proposal)

World Cities Summit is an international platform for government leaders and industry experts to address the challenges of a liveable and sustainable city, as well as share integrated urban solutions and create new collaborations. This event is a co-organised by Singapore’s Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA).

For 2020’s edition, we approached it from the angle of highlighting how we shape our world through both the climate and urban landscape.

The climate and city are a reflection of each other—mutually influencing, collectively creating and shaping the environment we live in. To express this mirror effect and connection between climate and urban landscape, weather inspired patterns are used to form an urban landscape.

Noting that climate changes happen over a periodic time—where seemingly small changes add up to a noticeable difference—and is not immediately visible; as the world progressively urbanises, we often focus on the visible progression, overlooking the impact it has on the climatic environment.

Through the use of textures from different climatic conditions—rain (water), fire (heat), wind (air) and ice (snow), the graphic focus on the micro and macro to create a contrast and as a reminder that what might be invisible is able eventually to manifest as an impactful visible form.

Key Visual Posters           ︎ 

These varying climatic textures and patterns come together to take on silhouettes of contemporary architecture. Together they form an abstract composition that plays with form, scale and texture.

Fluorescent colours bring out energy and life to the graphics representative of the synergy between people and the environment as we celebrate the collaborative sprint the event encourages. 

Individual Posters             ︎

Brochures                         ︎

Social Media Graphics     ︎

Visual for sub-events make use of similar elements but with a different take to differentiate the different main and sub events. Here the textures and graphics are split and drastically scaled and zoomed in to create different abstract visualisation of buildings.

Sub-event Posters           ︎

Pull-up Banner                  ︎
